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Speculative journalism can help people think about possible future events, but comes with ethical caveats, acc. @NiemanReports

Increased merger of advocacy & journalism seen among NGOs, foundations, even artistic collectives like Kenya’s The Carrot Co with its ‘Frontline Women’ video project

Bluetooth mobile app brings news & a new journalism to media-dark villages in India

No more vertical video fights! Shoot 4K landscape, then Adobe Premiere’s AI auto reframes/retracks to 9:16, square, whatever

Small-effort journalism is often also small-value. Man-on-the-street stories used to be the lowest news-value format. Now it’s stories based on a half-dozen tweets. #JournalismThatMatters

Some kinds of journalism aren’t worth saving @NiemanLab @HBCompass #JournalismHappens 

Understanding how Gen Y & Gen Z use news:  #ItsPersonal – the 6 core needs of young news consumers

Journalists on social media used to be about personal expression; now they should be about facts & depth

Journos turn to news blogs with an email newsletter backend to get indie coverage out #journalismhappens

Profit & power priorities at most newspapers negate wider interest in status as educational journalistic nonprofit

"First-generation fact-checking" is not enough without advocating for accuracy

'Local' news redefined as regional news in part due to cost cutting in newspaper mergers i.e Gannett/GateHouse

Stories are set to surpass feeds as the primary way people share things — #4 of 5 global trends highlighted by @wnip

NPJournoGuide: #newspayload – Private messaging apps now the primary way of sharing news; payload matters more than platform

PBS @NewsHour demos elegant illustration of podcast conversation using rocking namelines and waveform

NPJournoGuide: #mobilevideo – video leads all storytelling forms & mobile is the preferred means if it's not a show or movie

'Amplification trumpet' shows how misinformation succeeds like terrorism when given any attention, even debunking

Independent non-profit news site launches in NYC with $8.5M in funding & a pigeon logo

'Storytelling in micro-moments' – key video trends: mobile dominance, vlogging, live and vertical @nichemediahq

Early news-for-millennials efforts might have innovated the news but failed to engender community

Flipboard CEO says editors should ensure their content algorithms serve the audience, not the business model

The NYTs/WSJs of the world are not the model for news success, they're the exception #journalismhappens

Oscar nod to newspaper’s non-traditional short documentary illustrates the redefinition of news & how people use it 

Journalism has outgrown much of the organizational apparatus that bedrocked the news industry for so long – like wire services

Alexa now reads news less like a robot & more like a stereotypical dramatically inauthentic news anchor #bigimprovement

Ironic that news orgs now pivot goals from chasing clicks to establishing value to loyal readers; isn’t that what the news biz was supposed to be about?

BBC's hunt for new storytelling formats finds people respond to interaction & up-front info, not 'atmosphere' & tease

360 video? People've got to be 'in the mood' for the experience, otherwise a news pub's wasting its effort 

Small screens increasingly dominate the big picture of news & media experience, as magazine publishers have found

Verticality works better for news & media experienced on mobile, as shown in reformatted USAToday galleries

People believe what they think they see, making deepfake video perhaps the most powerful false-news weapon in history

Video works best to capture hearts (as long as it has heart); text best at capturing minds. Use both, smartly. 

Researchers say journalism innovation hinges on rejecting dogma, embracing identity & activism over neutrality

Less polished video works better on Instagram Stories than scripted, studio-shot, heavily produced pieces

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit lose dominance as Centennials move to YouTube, Instagram & Snapchat among others

Traditional TV planning to cut back on ads, as viewers increasingly cut cords & switch to streaming

Pear Video in China does video journalism without videojournalists; the 'journalism' is in the verification

Bourgeoning realm of non-fiction storytelling gives journalism a millennial style as a form of modern entertainment

Netflix developing weekly news magazine show – hopefully with a millennial style, not talking heads & droning narration

NowThis getting into serial news vids as it becomes "largest social video news publisher in the world"

16% of Americans, 39 million people, now own a smart speaker, reaching critical mass as serious news platform

News-feed change marks end of Facebook media era & more problems for publishers who just chased traffic

Audio is prominent in organizations that understand news is increasingly consumed on the move

Journalism’s purpose is not to create one shared view of reality but to inform discussion among many different communities

Audio is the most important part of video, which is why audio producers ideally should lead in editing news experiences

Video is key driver of trust (see report); now THERE'S a strategy, regardless of any biz value to a 'pivot to video'

47% of millennials & GenX don’t watch TV, so who really cares about FCC x-ownership change benefitting Sinclair-Tribune merger?

Twitter 280 is like the debate over letting people make cell phone calls on planes; be careful what you wish for

The new mainstream media Google, FB & Twitter need new approach to tackling news chaos, per @kvox

Graphic comics as a millennial news medium is hot idea; @ayumibennett sketchnoting similar

ICFJ’s global tech-in-newsrooms survey statistically questionable but taps media changes

FT uses Amazon Polly with deep structured learning to convert stories to life-like voiced audio

Quartz’s Delaney calls "pivot to video" code for not knowing what your business model is

Media disconnect in full evidence when publisher rates readers by their "value" rather than their need to be enlightened

Now with scripted comedy vids, WaPo trying to create destination media content rather than just sidebar material

Journalism without effect is just storytelling & that's just not good enough today #impactmetrics

Digital media startups generally don't train, so you either have needed skills as things change or you don't

Success in news "a question of rhythm," blending the pace of social media with more considered content

Mobile will dominate news media by 2020; already way ahead of TV in 4K ultra-HD video

News publishers find people would rather watch multi-episode, serialized video than one-offs

Shrinking online options for neo-Nazis not a legitimate free speech issue @engadget

Google developing tech for Snapchat-like visual-oriented stories but without app limitations

CBSN attracting younger news demo than typical oldster TV/cable but dislikes 'millennial media' label

"For millennials, the medium is the experience" – words to live by for modern #newstellers

Less than half of millennials voted in 2016. It's journalism's job to fix that #newsthatengages

AR is the better newstelling tool for a mobile world; VR for all its immersiveness is too restrictive

In the last 10 yrs, little has changed about how news is presented; we’ve merely digitized the newspaper & TV

Mobile journalism helps reporters get closer to story, research says, though some call it less professional

Amazon's Video Direct alternative to YouTube/Facebook is increasingly attractive & profitable for publishers

Maybe QR codes were just ahead of their time, waiting for tech and lifestyle to catch up

Good video (vs cheap video) requires just as much 'story' & skilled writing as long-form text #writersadapt

Mobile online video viewing up a whopping 35% this year ::Where do you want to put your news story?::

WaPo produced massive-media story to break news about Obama's struggle with Russian election meddling

As the “visual culture” matures, higher expectations on media rendering the human experience

How 5 fusion journalists engaged 41.1M people over 7 days ::a Newsplexer Project in NYC::

Being millennial is an attitude, not an age, as demoed by older users' shift to mobile news

News media enter zero-sum game as mobile nears max penetration & multitasking slows time-with-media growth  

Social becomes the new mainstream media, beating TV & newspapers as most relevant news source

7 trends in GenZ/Millennial media use show continued shift to social, video, mobile, OTT

The future of voice content – a news story that you can interrupt to ask for more context 

Finally getting back to the days when we proudly said readers are our real customers

Cover politics like sports or a TV reality show, then watch millennials, who value authenticity, tune out

Too many newsrooms confuse being good at breaking news with being good at handling the big story

Some publishers, & readers apparently, concerned 'personalization' violates journalism's mission ::not necessarily::

ViceNewsTonight, 100 eps old, despite risk-taking image, is just doing journalism

For trust value, not enough to get a news piece shared; needs to get shared by the right people

Still talking online vs offline news? You're not even in the same conversation as millennials ::digital is not an activity::

65yrs of video added to YouTube daily; users watch 1B hours/day ::nearly passing TV:: 

NowThis adding "mid-form" 3-5min video programs to its standard 60sec news clips

Politico & other news orgs set 1K as max words standard for articles ::exceptions apply::

Lower data cost for smartphone plans boosts growth of mobile-only news users

Pop-up Magazine turns journalists' work into performance art, a unique editorial experience

BuzzFeed exposes readers to other viewpoints on articles with ‘Outside Your Bubble’ tool

Overall media use, incl social, is less among Millennials than Gen X, says Nielsen stats

Great Q&A 'Confessions of a millennial newspaper reporter' – changing titles isn't enough

News via the 5 things people do most on their phones  — chat, email, social, web & games ::well, maybe not games::

Emphasis on video is again pushing publishers away from native apps to mobile web ::maybe they'll learn:: 

Non-staff content filling more of the WashPo ::trend in news outsourcing by legacy media::

Trading scale for vertical (ie HuffPo Scope health portal) doesn't fundamentally change reader experience 

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