non-fiction storytelling

Today, non-fiction is getting credit for being an innovative category of entertainment every bit as exciting, engaging, and entertaining as feature film…
Intrepid storytellers … are bringing forward stories with all the impact and emotion of a high budget Hollywood movie or independent film  —  but with no script, actors, or caterer. And audiences are responding… More and more, people are seeking out realism, authenticity, and truth — a territory owned by non-fiction…
“Documentary filmmaking is not only a storytelling or arts field; it is journalism. It is education. It is policy. And it is a reflection of people, events, places and ideas that requires research, access, and ethics. And has real life consequences,” [says director] Vanessa Roth…
Non-fiction projects don’t just have audiences, they have supporters. And they aren’t just stories, they are agents of change…

Read the full piece at Medium
