2019.07.092022.04.21 Stories are set to surpass feeds as the primary way people share things — #4 of 5 global trends highlighted by @wnip
2019.07.082022.04.05 NPJournoGuide: #newspayload – Private messaging apps now the primary way of sharing news; payload matters more than platform
2019.06.042022.04.21 PBS @NewsHour demos elegant illustration of podcast conversation using rocking namelines and waveform
2019.06.032022.04.05 NPJournoGuide: #mobilevideo – video leads all storytelling forms & mobile is the preferred means if it's not a show or movie
2019.05.312022.04.05 'Amplification trumpet' shows how misinformation succeeds like terrorism when given any attention, even debunking
2019.04.052022.04.21 Independent non-profit news site launches in NYC with $8.5M in funding & a pigeon logo
2019.04.022022.04.05 'Storytelling in micro-moments' – key video trends: mobile dominance, vlogging, live and vertical @nichemediahq
2019.03.302022.04.05 Early news-for-millennials efforts might have innovated the news but failed to engender community
2019.03.122022.04.21 Flipboard CEO says editors should ensure their content algorithms serve the audience, not the business model
2019.03.112022.04.05 The NYTs/WSJs of the world are not the model for news success, they're the exception #journalismhappens
2019.02.282022.04.21 Oscar nod to newspaper’s non-traditional short documentary illustrates the redefinition of news & how people use it
2019.02.222022.04.21 Journalism has outgrown much of the organizational apparatus that bedrocked the news industry for so long – like wire services