2014.08.222022.04.05 Mobile competition for news media isn’t other news entities; it’s Google Now | Gigaom
2014.08.222022.04.05 Study finds constructive journalism produces more audience engagement ::good news::
2014.08.192022.04.05 Poynter says breaking news reveals newsroom culture ::what about the rest of the time?::
2014.08.142022.04.05 WIRED says smartphone ushering in new 'golden age of journalism' with huge reader base
2014.08.122022.04.05 Newspaper industry has given up on newspapers | StreetFight ::mobile ascending::
2014.08.052022.04.05 Varied requirements for engaging mobile sports newsers may frame a broader news model
2014.08.042022.04.05 BuzzFeed looking for a new model for a new hard-news app ::not just stories or lists::
2014.08.032022.04.05 Analytics show mobile news users need personalized screen experiences as well as targeted stories
2014.08.032022.04.05 News Corp eyes app news service to attract millennials ::thinking tech trumps content::
2014.07.252022.04.05 Smart TVs to lead market by 2015 says @BusinessInsider ::demanding connected programming::
2014.07.212022.04.05 Article @Poynter cites 3 redesigns w/ continuous scroll & claims less bounce ::Hawthorne effect?::
2014.07.212022.04.05 Live TV watching down 9% while Internet streaming up 275% over 3 years ::key habit shift::
2014.07.182022.04.05 Alberto Cairo says data journalism needs to up its own standards | Nieman JLab ::stop trying to do it quick & easy::
2014.07.182022.04.05 NYT's 'I was a digital best seller' is a cautionary farce about new media, technology & and the 'Boom' for writers
2014.07.182022.04.05 Data visualization & stat analysis enabling reporting renaissance; news industry might not survive it | FastCo
2014.07.182022.04.05 Like Facebook, Twitter's new impression stats show few followers see your tweets ::just 1-3%; so 2nd-tweet::
2014.07.182022.04.05 Forget wisdom of the crowd; neurobiologists find wisdom of the confident | MIT ::better metric for media audience::
2014.07.102022.04.05 Technology brackets more than age brackets signal media habits ::so typical 25-34 thinking is misleading::
2014.07.052022.04.05 Audiences claiming they prefer hard news are liars & media who listen without measuring are dupes | Atlantic
2014.07.052022.04.05 Beyond simply reporting on existing big data, sensor journalism is a new Millennial form of investigative reporting
2014.07.052022.04.05 ING study finds majority of journalists use different quality standards online than in their traditional formats
2014.07.042022.04.05 Whip graphic suggests sharing becoming main news distribution method ::parallels media's new focus on engagement::
2014.06.242022.04.05 Brains of expert wordsmiths do work differently, study says ::insight for managing multiplatform editorial teams::
2014.04.092022.04.05 Seniors increasingly online, with Millennials, so no longer a justification for eschewing digital news strategy
2014.04.092022.04.05 Voltron media startups – PandoDaily's Sarah Lacy says it's better for journos to combine efforts than try it alone
2014.04.012022.04.05 Google coder finds multilingual Wikipedia edits a good indicator of major breaking news, adds auto-photo-galleries
2014.03.312022.04.05 Pew's 6 media trends: jobs concentration, no sustainability yet, social/mobile drive, news video, TV sales, Hispanics
2014.03.312022.04.05 The new wall between editorial and advertising: Brand journalists precluded from newsroom jobs by some publishers
2014.03.282022.04.05 Large segment of the population using any number of devices besides TVs to watch TV content, says Deloitte | Re/code
2014.03.272022.04.05 'Newsroom 3.1' at Trinity Mirror has everything produced for digital, then print newspaper put together from that
2014.03.272022.04.05 Story over source: Study says more than half of people info snack & care more about the story than the source
2014.03.242022.04.05 The story is the medium: newest indicator — News Deeply single-story publisher launching arctic topic-site
2014.03.212022.04.05 Ethics and standards needed to balance the design and programming skill that usually drives data journalism work
2014.03.182022.04.05 Typical American uses four different devices for news/info, switching based on topic | Personal News Cycle study
2014.02.282022.04.05 If EU-funded Pheme (and other future tech) can verify online credibility, the role of journalists changes again
2014.02.252022.04.05 New wave of young independent publishers creating high-polish hard-copy titles | Independent ::print re-explored::
2014.02.252022.04.05 Average time spent on smartphones much higher than desktop in U.K., U.S., Italy, according to Nielsen ::via INMA::
2014.02.252022.04.05 Live video isn't working for newspapers because they try to do TV (which has its own problems) & it's not done well
2014.02.212022.04.05 Almost 65% of global Internet users access Web via smartphone as of end of 2013 ::and sharing their devices::
2014.02.202022.04.05 Attention Minutes say quality counts over length, referral source & freshness ::but Upworthy's analysis suspect::
2014.02.192022.04.05 Media's Millennial Myth: 'They'll Grow Into It' | Advertising Age ::first newspapers and now TV reach realization::
2014.02.192022.04.05 As digital profiling evolves, media may be not just users but source of valuable demographics ::ethics alert::
2014.02.182022.04.05 What Television Can Teach Magazines and Magazine Media | Mr. Magazine :: awesomeness — being unique and different::
2014.02.182022.04.05 Self-publishing becoming a much more dependable route to success in books | Guardian ::lesson for news writers?::
2014.02.162022.04.05 Headlines & stories tugging on emotions signals journalism becoming "indigenous to the web," says Nieman columnist
2014.02.162022.04.05 7-minute articles, attention minutes & engaged time: examples of publishers trying to understand audience engagement
2014.02.132022.04.05 The Facebook Effect on news is to make it less about happenings, more about emotional connections, Atlantic says
2014.02.122022.04.05 Asking if AP Style is apropo in non-traditional media? BuzzFeed among those supplementing standards ::i.e. 'fave'::
2014.02.122022.04.05 Digital news ventures not generating the civic/political engagement that traditional newspapers did, notes CRJ
2014.02.102022.04.05 Bitcoin experiment at Sun-Times sets $.25 as "benchmark" for what a piece of newspaper content is worth to people
2014.02.082022.04.05 It’s imperative media innovate outside the legacy business model at a rapid pace, report says ::don't be lured::
2014.02.082022.04.05 The behavior on the CNN mobile site is people checking in and saying: ‘Hey, did the world blow up?’ ::majority mobile::
2014.02.072022.04.05 Millennial audience values being informed but thinks differently about news ::challenging traditional media::
2014.02.072022.04.05 Even text written for reading should sound good out loud, based on research about the voice in our heads ::text-to-speech::
2014.02.072022.04.05 "Social sourcing" the news with Dataminr editorial tool | Journalism.co.uk ::CNN mining for story trends::
2014.02.072022.04.05 Attention Minutes is Upworthy's change-up on "fine-grained and unforgiving" engagement measure ::a new standard?::
2014.02.072022.04.05 There is a “ceiling” to how many people will get news from television, Pew tells Economist ::charts downtrend::
2014.01.182022.04.05 Americans consuming 14 hours of media per day per person, increasing by 2015 to 15.5 hours | USC ::a growth business::
2014.01.172022.04.05 Nieman forecaster, like others, says 2014 is start of the end of narrative ::misses point of how people think::
2014.01.172022.04.05 Newspeg is Pintrest for news, designed "to be publisher-friendly" & cool for news geeks ::but do audiences want it::
2013.12.222022.04.05 5 ways news outlets innovate shareable video | Journalism.co.uk ::minus Vine, good examples like 'explainer video'::
2013.12.222022.04.05 Technology & users now bypassing m.sites — good news for media, not so much for self-styled mobile consultants
2013.12.212022.04.05 If predominant medium will be the portable screen, predominant design pattern will be the card, notes Inside Intercom
2013.12.062022.04.05 Freelance journalists more motivated by lifestyle benefits than money | HoldtheFrontPage ::also likely the thrill::
2013.12.062022.04.05 U.S. consumer protection chief says ads should be undeceptive, clearly marked from editorial content | Reuters
2013.12.062022.04.05 Over a decade+, number of newsroom writers down 32%, newsroom imagers down 43%, newsroom editors down 27% | via AJR
2013.11.162022.04.05 What’s missing in Keller & Greenwald’s future of journalism | Carmody ::infinite other futures — don't limit yourself::
2013.11.052022.04.05 An article has lifespan of 37 days, and other interesting findings from Pocket | Fast Company ::new engagement metrics::
2013.11.052022.04.05 New stats re Twitter & breaking news again show disparity between media's focus on tech vs how people actually use it
2013.11.052022.04.05 Ad campaigns going multiscreen (expect 50% by 2016); journalism may finally catch on ::creating immersive news stories::
2013.11.042022.04.05 News startup Vocativ applies spy-world tech and intelligence agency structure to journalism | Forbes
2013.11.042022.04.05 “We are debunking the myth that people consume content in magazines differently than on tablets…" says Condé Nast
2013.10.292022.04.05 Nielsen adds Web viewers to its TV ratings | CNN ::slowly but surely the measures adapt to the reality::
2013.10.282022.04.05 More media outlets adding events built around news topics & branded issues to their audience engagement tools | NYT
2013.10.242022.04.05 An unfinished list of ventures in journalism you should be watching (and why) | Journalist+ ::useful checklist::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Flashes & Flames overviews types of magazines doing better in print or digital, paid or free ::women's monthlies vulnerable::
2013.10.242022.04.05 'It's all content! It's just story!' — Spacey calls platform anymore irrelevant | Telegraph ::file under lessons for news::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Trending toward most people accessing Internet on phones, held vertically, vertical video more acceptable ::10 HuffPo tips::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Even in India, one of the last bastions of print, Millennials and entrepreneurs trending digital as @NYT reports
2013.10.182022.04.05 Few top newspaper editors are from digital backgrounds supposedly since few have newsroom management experience | Poynter
2013.10.172022.04.05 Twitter moving more aggressively into journalism with new alert system for breaking news, building media partnerships, says Verge
2013.10.152022.04.05 Mobile app developers designing great customer experiences in an 'extreme market' are example for news media | HBR
2013.10.152022.04.05 Tech disruption of news media will speed up to a pace never experienced before | Media Disruptus ::thought it already fast?::
2013.10.152022.04.05 Breaking news on mobile not using good visual design to attract attention | García Media ::but eventually it will need to::
2013.10.142022.04.05 Journalists starting to regard their bylines as tappable things connected to experiences instead of articles | Poynter
2013.09.272022.04.05 Pinterest introduces "article pins" to make site more journalism friendly | Poynter ::more about promotion than storytelling::
2013.09.252022.04.05 No new TV viewers or newspaper subscribers being born, BuzzFeed chief says | Poynter ::but viewers and readers? Yes::
2013.09.242022.04.05 Adweek overviews WP's new Topicly visual news navigator ::but roboeditor could use some visual design training::
2013.09.172022.04.05 Wibbitz says text-to-voice with background video makes news more engaging | 10,000 Words ::see demo; you decide::
2013.09.102022.04.05 Write useful, informative headlines (SEO/SMO be damned) or aggregators can now take control away, as is Techmeme example
2013.09.042022.04.05 Brock book optimistic on journalism if not so much on print ::as for future of journos themselves, it's more complicated::
2013.08.292022.04.05 New crowdfunding platform Crowdhoster may be ideal for smaller-scale editorial projects that get lost on Kickstarter
2013.08.292022.04.05 HootSuite University moving into J-schools |10,000 Words ::pushing social media expertise more than just its product::
2013.08.132022.04.05 Journalism schools need to adapt or risk becoming irrelevant | Poynter ::poll shows J-schools have high opinion of themselves::
2013.08.122022.04.05 A better way to gauge consumer media interaction | paidContent ::based on body location & mental engagement::
2013.08.102022.04.05 Google will highlight "in-depth" articles in future search results ::hopefully coming to news results as well::
2013.08.032022.04.05 Case study on Quartz’s e-mail-centric news coverage | MailChimp ::capitalizing on the original social media::