The sooner we as an industry admit that Facebook and Google and Apple and Snapchat are running the tables on media innovation — mobile and video innovation — the sooner we’ll do something about it. The sooner we’ll take exponentially bigger, patient bets to solve real problems. The sooner we’ll embrace failure instead of saying we do, only to lay off the very teams who fail trying to invent our future. The sooner we’ll invest to recruit the best developers, designers and product leads, empowering them to break the “rules” and accomplish things we never imagined.
Yes, let’s work with the platforms, but it’s time to realize that tech and product are core to us, too. That R&D isn’t a 5% cost but a 15% investment in our livelihood. That the all-stars at our companies are wave-makers who don’t care about the next quarter but care deeply about five years from now.
Let’s not blame everyone else, but take a hard look at ourselves.

Read the full piece at Medium
