Hopefully it’s an increasingly large, flexible, creative canvas for some of the most creative people in the world. That’s our mission: Every day find new ways to stretch that canvas and give people more room to make their best work. Just think about the role technology has played in enabling creative people and pushing art and media forward. Look at what technology’s done for film with something like Pixar (DIS), right?

Read the full piece at Businessweek
The most intriguing thing said in this Charlie Rose interview was how David Karp sees Tumblr in the digital ecosphere, why he’s not worried about a downturn the way so many social networks have gone. The reason, he said, is because Tumblr isn’t about social connections; it’s about content. When your friends move from one social network to another, you’ll follow them because it’s about being connected to them. Therefore social networks fluctuate, grow and diminish in spurts and flash. On the other hand, if there is content on Tumblr that you like, even if your friends go elsewhere, you’ll keep coming back for that content. So content has staying power and value that transcends the network.
