'News Lovers' in UK

  1. There are 10 million ‘News Lovers’ (in UK)
  2. Tablet consumption has doubled in less than 12 months
  3. Multi-device consumers consume more media
  4. Country variation in strength of traditional brands
  5. Old people like TV, young people like the internet
  6. People don’t notice what website they’re looking at
  7. People in the UK read news a lot, but many aren’t passionate about it
  8. Only 1/4 of UK consumers rely on traditional news sources and nothing else
  9. Age dictates which platforms are more popular
  10. Regional news more important to older readers
  11. UK consumers prefer brands as gateways to news
  12. UK consumers much more interested in politics and international news than entertainment
  13. Big variation in sharing and commenting on news on social media
  14. Consumption peaks are more marked among older people

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