2013.01.172022.04.05 Take A Minute To Watch The New Way We Make Web Headlines Now | The Awl ::imperative replaces list::
2013.01.172022.04.05 Survey: Users trust social media as news source | Politico ::most still on computers; mobile percentage up::
2013.01.172022.04.05 Single-story sites like Syria Deeply have lessons to offer the rest of the news business | Nieman
2013.01.162022.04.05 6 Easy Ways to Make Your Website Tablet-Friendly | Mashable ::how to improve its 'tappiness'::
2013.01.162022.04.05 Why can’t bloggers and journos get along? #NMX recap | Ebyline ::most bloggers don't get 'journalism'::
2013.01.162022.04.05 Tailor-made and looking the part: is this the future of journalism? | Independent ::more corporate media::
2013.01.052022.04.05 Division of Labor, Talent and Journalistic Branding | @picard_robert ::creating two classes of journos::
2013.01.052022.04.05 Paywalls Without Cash? Enliken Encourages User Data As Currency | adexchanger ::big data revenue model::
2013.01.052022.04.05 Brands Confront Sticky Editorial Decisions | Digiday ::various approaches to church-state issues::
2013.01.052022.04.05 Is the future of serious journalism in the hands of corporate media? | ZDNet ::journalism's new bankroll::
2013.01.042022.04.05 10 things every journalist should know in 2013 | Journalism.co.uk ::skills, skills, skills…::
2012.12.272022.04.05 How HSBC uses journalism to reach new customers | Ebyline ::valuing content in post-advertising world::