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Case study on Quartz’s e-mail-centric news coverage | MailChimp ::capitalizing on the original social media::

How Super-Achieving 'Knowledge Journalists' Shape Our Thinking | Forbes ::speaking of a new type of journo::

Respect for journalists’ contribution to society falls in U.S. survey | Pew ::argues for new type of journo::

Study finds elders pick web over newspaper, too | Newsosaur ::see infographic::

Telefónica survey of Millennials profiles this most important journalistic public ::fascinating regional infographics::

In Praise of New Media: Let Tabloid TV Off the Hook | 10,000 Words ::arguing that what CNN does doesn't matter::

If you don’t like the chaos of breaking news, stay off Twitter | paidContent ::no, it's not 'made for breaking news'::

For Millennials, it's about convenience, technology | INMA ::key point — they think very differently about news::

Culture cited for how different countries interact with news | Nieman ::age segment within culture might also impact::

14 findings from Reuters survey about multiplatform news consumption habits | MediaBriefing ::UK numbers extremely interesting::

Responsive Design Doesn't Replace Native Apps | Adweek ::better UX cited but real reason is app buy counts as subscriptions::

Forget news reading. Today, it’s all about “news snacking” ::10,000 Words' take on Mobiles Republic survey::

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