2013.10.292022.04.05 Nielsen adds Web viewers to its TV ratings | CNN ::slowly but surely the measures adapt to the reality::
2013.10.282022.04.05 More media outlets adding events built around news topics & branded issues to their audience engagement tools | NYT
2013.10.242022.04.05 An unfinished list of ventures in journalism you should be watching (and why) | Journalist+ ::useful checklist::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Flashes & Flames overviews types of magazines doing better in print or digital, paid or free ::women's monthlies vulnerable::
2013.10.242022.04.05 'It's all content! It's just story!' — Spacey calls platform anymore irrelevant | Telegraph ::file under lessons for news::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Trending toward most people accessing Internet on phones, held vertically, vertical video more acceptable ::10 HuffPo tips::
2013.10.242022.04.05 Even in India, one of the last bastions of print, Millennials and entrepreneurs trending digital as @NYT reports
2013.10.182022.04.05 Few top newspaper editors are from digital backgrounds supposedly since few have newsroom management experience | Poynter
2013.10.172022.04.05 Twitter moving more aggressively into journalism with new alert system for breaking news, building media partnerships, says Verge
2013.10.152022.04.05 Mobile app developers designing great customer experiences in an 'extreme market' are example for news media | HBR
2013.10.152022.04.05 Tech disruption of news media will speed up to a pace never experienced before | Media Disruptus ::thought it already fast?::
2013.10.152022.04.05 Breaking news on mobile not using good visual design to attract attention | García Media ::but eventually it will need to::