2014.07.182022.04.05 Alberto Cairo says data journalism needs to up its own standards | Nieman JLab ::stop trying to do it quick & easy::
2014.07.182022.04.05 NYT's 'I was a digital best seller' is a cautionary farce about new media, technology & and the 'Boom' for writers
2014.07.182022.04.05 Data visualization & stat analysis enabling reporting renaissance; news industry might not survive it | FastCo
2014.07.182022.04.05 Like Facebook, Twitter's new impression stats show few followers see your tweets ::just 1-3%; so 2nd-tweet::
2014.07.182022.04.05 Forget wisdom of the crowd; neurobiologists find wisdom of the confident | MIT ::better metric for media audience::
2014.07.102022.04.05 Technology brackets more than age brackets signal media habits ::so typical 25-34 thinking is misleading::
2014.07.052022.04.05 Audiences claiming they prefer hard news are liars & media who listen without measuring are dupes | Atlantic
2014.07.052022.04.05 Beyond simply reporting on existing big data, sensor journalism is a new Millennial form of investigative reporting
2014.07.052022.04.05 ING study finds majority of journalists use different quality standards online than in their traditional formats
2014.07.042022.04.05 Whip graphic suggests sharing becoming main news distribution method ::parallels media's new focus on engagement::
2014.06.242022.04.05 Brains of expert wordsmiths do work differently, study says ::insight for managing multiplatform editorial teams::
2014.04.092022.04.05 Seniors increasingly online, with Millennials, so no longer a justification for eschewing digital news strategy