2015.04.242022.04.05 Mobile-first strategy must embrace prevalence of & preference for vertical video screens ::i.e. mobile phones::
2015.04.182022.04.05 Clay Shirky's ‘darker narrative’ of print's future cites iPad promise as 'cruelest trick'
2015.04.182022.04.19 Vice, CNN use personal approach on hard news video ::now do it about real people::
2015.04.032022.04.05 Different style newsrooms for editorial services vs experiential news media ::the new mainstream::
2015.04.012022.04.05 72% of media execs/users say creativity more important than tech over next 10 years ::see the slideshow::
2015.04.012022.04.05 NYTimes to launch 'one-sentence stories' for Apple Watch ::but supposedly they're not tweets ???::
2015.04.012022.04.05 Focus on personalizing the telling of news more than just personalizing the selection of news ::VG advice::
2015.04.012022.04.05 "Our job is to minimise the gap between what people know and what they should know" — great journo job description
2015.04.012022.04.05 Quartz piece re publishing on FB seems to give up on journalism that attracts ::not that FB isn't good venue::
2015.04.012022.04.05 New social media influence? Livestream apps make people try to have more interesting lives
2015.03.302022.04.05 Video narratives (i.e. movies) increasingly attractive to news publishers, says NYT piece ::popcorn extra::
2015.03.272022.04.05 If discreetness was your smartwatch goal, it might be more rude than checking your phone