2016.01.022022.04.05 Mobile is making media all the same ::if you aren't an exception, what's the point?::
2015.12.232022.04.05 Internet pushes individual media use to more than 8 hrs/day ::with less & less legacy media::
2015.11.082022.04.05 Recipe for disaster digital publishing: extrapolate from today & hope against disruption @mediabrief
2015.11.082022.04.05 Competitive advantage of just quality journalism has shrunk; the story experience matters @raju
2015.10.232022.04.05 You’re probably underestimating how much articles are shared via text msg re @NiemanLab
2015.10.152022.04.05 Everyone 16-45 now watching as much video online as on TV, report says ::204min/day tot avg::
2015.10.122022.04.05 4 types of millennials when it comes to news habits, research says ::surprise- we're not all the same::
2015.10.082022.04.05 L16 computational camera latest example that skill, not tech, is what differentiates pro media::
2015.10.042022.04.05 NYT wrestles with many dimensions of video (eg verticality) to visualize making of a hit @NiemanLab