Increased merger of advocacy & journalism seen among NGOs, foundations, even artistic collectives like Kenya’s The Carrot Co with its ‘Frontline Women’ video project

Bluetooth mobile app brings news & a new journalism to media-dark villages in India

No more vertical video fights! Shoot 4K landscape, then Adobe Premiere’s AI auto reframes/retracks to 9:16, square, whatever

Small-effort journalism is often also small-value. Man-on-the-street stories used to be the lowest news-value format. Now it’s stories based on a half-dozen tweets. #JournalismThatMatters

Some kinds of journalism aren’t worth saving @NiemanLab @HBCompass #JournalismHappens

Understanding how Gen Y & Gen Z use news: #ItsPersonal – the 6 core needs of young news consumers

Journalists on social media used to be about personal expression; now they should be about facts & depth

Journos turn to news blogs with an email newsletter backend to get indie coverage out #journalismhappens

Profit & power priorities at most newspapers negate wider interest in status as educational journalistic nonprofit

"First-generation fact-checking" is not enough without advocating for accuracy